Self-administered pension plans are suitable for people who want to have complete control over how their pension fund is invested, with complete transparency. Instead of investing in a traditional Managed Fund, where the investment decisions are made by the fund manager, you can choose some or all of the investments.
For example, you can invest in shares, ETFs, cash deposits, property, even physical gold. Income from your investments (rental income from property, dividend income from shares etc.) is paid back into the pension fund tax-free. There is no Capital Gains Tax to be paid on gains made when investments are sold.
At one time, Self-Administered Pensions were the preserve of company directors and people with very large funds. Not any more. We can set up Self-Administered pensions for any of the following: -
Please contact us if you would like to enquire about Self-Administered Pensions, without obligation.
Ferguson and Associates
19H Axis Business Park, Tullamore, County Offaly, R35 P285